這個暑假, 一群從千橡中文學校畢業的高中生, 願意付出自己的時間跟精力籌備一個兩個星期的小小中華文化夏令營。 文化夏令營的時間是: 第一週 6/14-18 和 第二週 6/21-25 上午九點到十二點。這個由高中生領隊的文化夏令營是希望以他們曾經所學的中華文化以有趣的活動呈現,教給更年輕的學弟學妹們, 讓文化有傳承。 這是康谷中華文化協會底下青少年組織活動的一部分。 小小中華文化夏令營每個星期只收10位孩子 (年紀 5 到10歲), 所以希望有興趣的家長在六月一號之前盡快報名。 額滿就不超收了。 有任何問題歡迎郵件到 tohappycamper@gmail.com. 報名鏈結: 快樂夏令營 Registrations Form (google.com)
附件是小小中華文化快樂夏令營的宣傳單, 報名的鏈接在傳單上, 只需點擊鏈接就可以完成報名。 報名表上也包括了我們將遵守的健康安全規則鏈接請家長仔細閱讀。
這個小小中華文化快樂夏令營, 總括來說包括:
* 小班制: 每星期10 人一班,配合室內間隔規定
* 時段: 第一週 6/14-18 和 第二週 6/21-25
* 時間: 早上九點到十二點
* 地點: 文化中心 ( 1489 E. Thousand Oaks Blvd., Unit 3, TO, CA 91362)
* 年紀限制: 5 – 10 歲
* 兩週主題: 第一週主題: 中國的有趣節日。 第二週主題: 中國有意義的發明
* 活動費用: $100 一週
* 每天高中生 4 領隊 外加 1 至 2 位家長義工
* 報名鏈結: 快樂夏令營 Registrations Form (google.com)
This summer, a group of high schoolers who graduated from the TOCS is organizing a Chinese Cultural Summer Program for 2 weeks (Week 1: 6/14 – 6/18 and Week 2: 6/21 – 6/25, Time: 9:00am to 12:00pm) in hopes to give back to the Chinese Community. The mission is to inspire more cultural understanding and appreciation through this summer program. Conejo Chinese Cultural Association (CCCA) has officially recognized this program as part of the CCCA Youth Project. We encourage all interested parties to register by 6/1 as each week only 10 campers are allowed to comply with social distancing policy. For any questions, please feel free to contact us via email: tohappycamper@gmail.com.
Registration link: 快樂夏令營 Registrations Form (google.com)
Please find attached file for the summer program flyer, registration link (Google form) is on the flyer for an easy click. Health policy link and waivers are also embedded in the registration form for review.
In summary –
* Small class session – 10 students per week to comply with social distancing policy. RSVP asap
* Camp period: Week 1 – 6/14-18 ; Week 2 – 6/21-25;
* Time: 9:00am to 12:00pm
* Address: Cultural Center (1489 E. Thousand Oaks Blvd., Unit 3, TO, CA 91362)
* Age limit: 5 – 10 years old
* 4 counselors with 1-2 parent volunteers will be on site daily.
* Week 1 theme: Chinese Festivals; Week 2 theme: Chinese Inventions
* The summer camp is $100/per week per camper.
* Registration link: 快樂夏令營 Registrations Form (google.com)