康谷華協選出新副會長-尚虹. 新理事 – 徐冰, 遊麗惠, 崔磊, 趙蓮 The CCCA has elected Hong Shang as the new VP, and Bing Xu, Tina Yu, Lei Tsui, and Lian Qin as new Directors

歡迎尚虹副會長及徐冰,遊麗惠,崔磊,,趙蓮 新理事。我代表大家謝謝他們的服務熱忱,他們將會在理事會三年,替大家服務。謝謝。

2015-16 會長 錢文絢 敬賀

On the behalf of the CCCA, I officially welcome our newly elected CCCA VP and directors.
It is my honor to announce that Shang Hong will be the 2016-2017 CCCA VP and Bing Xu, Tina Yu, Lei Tsui, and Lian Qin will be four new directors from July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2019.
Their passion to serve the community is deeply appreciated.
Best Regards,

Wen Cheng
2015-16 CCCA President