华协非常感谢社区朋友积极参与中秋线上活动, 一共有60位作品参赛。 祝贺所有提交作品者,都会得到一张Amazon 电子礼品卡, 我们会通过电子邮件于十月二十五号前发送。 请大家按照下面提供的链接,投票选出最佳作品。 我们将于十月二十五日公布最佳作品投票结果。
contact email: ccca2020painting@gmail.com
如果是在手机上投票, 请长按照片就可以看到放大的原图。如果是在电脑上投票, 要先点击照片, 再用鼠标右键拉开菜单,最后选择新窗口打开照片,就应该可以看到放大的原图。 投票时需要先输入邮件信箱,选好作品后, 最后要填入OTP code 投票才有效,有时候可能会在垃圾邮件中找到OTP Code 邮件。
CCCA are very appreciate our community friends to participate in an unusual Mid-Autumn Festival, an online event for of photography, painting, and homemade mooncakes. CCCA willemail an Amazon E-gift card to allof participants by Oct 25th. Please join us and vote the best art works for the Mid-Autumn Festival online event ! CCCA will announce the best art work by Oct25.
The followings are voting links:
1. Vote for the best photography works:
2. Vote for the best paintings works.:
3. Vote for the best paintings by young people:
4. Vote for the best Homemade moon cakes:
When you use phone to vote ,holdpicture for 4 seconds, the original picture should be seen . When you use PC to vote , you need click picture first , then click right mouse pull up menu , choose “open image in new tap”. The original picture should be seen. Please enter your email for voting ,after you vote , also need type in OPT code which might receive in the junk email .
contact email: ccca2020painting@gmail.com